follow along as we rearchitect

Total-impact has outgrown its baby teeth: we are rearchitecting the codebase.  The goal is a robust and scaleable framework that will take us through the next phase of rapid growth.

The new codebase will have a clean api, a webapp that uses the api directly, data storage at the item level, a history of metric values over time, and queues to facilitate timeliness and scalability.  It is being built from the ground up with good logging, error-handling, and documentation… aspects that aren’t always at the top of the hackathon agenda 🙂

The new codebase is written in Python rather than PHP.  This change wasn’t taken lightly: changing programming languages is a Classic Blunder after all.  That said, others have done it successfully, and Python appears to be the favourite programming language at Hacker News, so we’re confident it is the right move.

Without further ado, here are the new code repositories at GitHub.  Works in progress… stay tuned!